
Father says the 10

Published on 2024-06-04 00:09:12 来源:International Illustrations news portal

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A 10-year-old Tennessee boy who was swept into a storm drain after severe weather two weeks ago has died, according to posts by his father on social media.

Asher Sullivan had been playing with other children in water in the streets as the adults cleaned up debris in Christiana, southeast of Nashville, after severe storms hit on May 8, James Sullivan has said. Somehow, Asher was caught in a storm drain and swept under the neighborhood streets, eventually coming out in a drainage ditch. Medics were able to reestablish a heartbeat, Sullivan said, but the child’s brain was irreparably damaged from a lack of oxygen.

Sullivan, who is the director of the Rutherford County School District, held out hope for several days, asking for prayers for a miracle. So many well-wishers called and visited Vanderbilt’s children’s hospital in Nashville that he had to ask them to stop, saying they had “put a strain on operations.” Still thousands of people responded to and shared his posts on social media.

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